I have been asked so many times how to get a tourist visa for countries like the U.S, Canada, and for Europe maybe because I have quite some experiences in this matter. Getting a visa is not easy especially if its your first time. You also need to know what are the visa requirements for a specific country. Most visa forms can be downloaded from the internet through the country's official website. I know a lot of people who have the money to travel the world but just don't have the patience, time or even guts to go to the embassy and apply for a visa. It is frustrating to apply for a visa and get denied even if you have the best intention of just being a tourist, no more than that...no hidden agenda or anything of that sort.
How exciting, frustrating, or nerve wracking is it to apply for a visa in any country? I was 27 and didn't have a job. I passed my board exam a few years back but didn't really wanted to practice dentistry. Then why not travel? i told myself. I wasn't doing anything just might as well go for an adventure...but where?SWITZERLAND!...sounds exciting!
I have few cousins who work in Switzerland for quite a long time already and getting a visa with sponsors may not be so hard.
So how one gets a visa for Switzerland?It was easier then in the '80's or '90's but if you have friends or relatives living there, it might still be not as frustrating as like applying a visa for the U.S or Canada.
Applying for a tourist visa for Switzerland during my first trip was almost a breeze. My cousin who lives there did all the processing for me. She went to the community office or Gemeinde in place where she lives. From there she gets the papers for sponsoring a visitor and have it approved by the police. Once it has the seal of approval, it is then forwarded to the the main Swiss Embassy of your country and in my case the Swiss Embassy in Manila. All you have to do is call the embassy and book for an appointment. Once you are there, it is almost as if your visa is already pre-approved. You just need to answer few questions to confirm your relationship with the sponsor.
Today, applying a visa for Switzerland has already changed procedures. Now you need to have an appointment with the embassy fill up an application form. If your travel will be sponsored by a relative or a friend, you need to send these papers to your sponsor in Switzerland who will have these processed in the Gemeinde and then return these back to you for another set of appointment with the embassy. A lit

It is also best to get a Europe travel insurance. You can get one from axa travel insurance, AIG, or some other notable insurance companies. A travel insurance for Europe is a needed requirement for getting a schengen travel visa. You should always check your passport's validity before applying a visa and before travelling. Your passport should be at least 6 months valid at the time of your intended travel to avoid complications during your trip.
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